Kaponga :A Town on the Steampunk Frontier
The Southern Gateway to Mt Taranaki
Kaponga was settled in the 1870s through the New Zealand Land Company .
The settlement is nine miles west of Eltham, and sixteen miles east of
Opunake, on a good coach road. It is part of the Kaponga survey district
of the Taranaki land district, and is in the Waimate riding of the
county of Hawera. It was set up to service the settlers on the farm clearings in the surrounding area.
The area has a bounty of beautiful natural features that have attracted Intrepid Steampunk adventurers from the 1840s to this day
Kaponga Anglican Bible Class on the summit of Mt Egmont, 1908. This group was indebted
to Dr and Mrs Maclagan for its vitality.
to Dr and Mrs Maclagan for its vitality.
Tramping & hiking remain popular with tourists and visitors to the area , bike tours are gaining traction
Dawson Falls cascading down the decades
Ever the ideal in Steampunk Intrepid Exploration in the New Zealand Grand Tour experience
Dawson Falls own Romantic Hotel
Still working ,The Power Station at Dawson Falls is the one of the oldest in the country. Built in New York in 1901 it landed in Kaponga c1935