Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Earthship styled Abode

Mayhap the ultimate in Steampunk building and habitat architecture, Earthship  houses and similar  abodes are renewable, recyclable, reclaimable and built to an age old design.

Pure alchemy in it's form, made from Nature's and man made bounty. Changeable and malleable , adaptable to any climate and environment.
While man has been building houses of clay, straw, mud and any reinforcing he can find since time immemorial,
Mike Reynolds is the father of modern Earthship homes.(see image above) He has been establishing his vision of  "off the grid" communities of sustainable dwellings around the world. Canada, US, the South Americas,Europe,Africa,  reaching to New Zealand.

The castle below was built by a man who abandoned his family after discovering he had tuberculosis in 1927

During times of isolation,  hardship  and deprivation, men's work gangs, soldiers, marines and miners have used their down time  and their ingenuity  to build bottle house dwellings. Beer bottles being a prime resource  in the male dominated environment.

Modern  earth structures  make use of what we have at hand. So much  man made detritus that we take for granted can be recycled and re-purposed for new construction. Demolition & salvage building material through to tossed aside cans, bottles,tyres, any article that takes one's fancy


Rebuilding Haiti with Mike Reynolds

 The interior design  of earth homes  can take on any form  and flow  that captures the maker's imagination. Bending and blending the boundaries of space and time.


 Enter a whole new world and dimension



Are you ready to make your own mark on the landscape !


A bottle cathedral of light


  The sustainable home system. Recycle the rain, sun and wind



Leading up a stairway  to heavenly dreams  and  wild imaginings

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Mini - BMW Steampunks its Ride


Love by the Dashboard Light


a  vehicle of the past has traveled through to the future and come  out all Steampunked , courtesy of BMW.

 To some it may be deep profanity  and blasphemy to say this...

 the latest incarnation of the Mini Cooper  wagon is seriously steampunk. From the  new classic outer chassis and trim to the fine  interior stylings-

It has been transformed into a vehicle  for voyaging
 Only the groovier mums had  Mini Clubman vans back in the day. Now they are way more hip

 little size Coopers were the domain  of ordinary mums and  oddly old men over  6 ft tall.


MINI Countryman Motoring

 Dare I say it  the latest model  Mini van range like the Countryman above, is still the Ideal  Ladies Car. Is pretty,its practical and  it has plenty of  space  to load the wagon

 [yet still holds a manly appeal]


that's paceman (with an e) rather space age with a retro feel

The Mini Cooper Clubman Van as you have not seen it before 
 more hipster than Hades

Driving excellence - Home James...

Setting forth for a Sunday Drive with the Munsters
[sitting with Grandpa in the back]

  Do  these seats  have an ejector feature?

all the cogs and whistles on the dashboard

Only  for the intrepid explorer. Step forth on a mini  Steampunk safari


Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Steampunk Potato recipes

Steampunk Potato Recipes

Potatoes were an ideal food source on the Wild Frontier. They taste good, feel good and have a high nutrition quotient.Simple  to grow, easy and durable to store.

 The  Potato Recipes below  fit the frugal, foraging and frontier feel of  the Steampunk Movement. 

You too can cook potatoes on the smell of an oily Steampunk Rag


All recipes can be cooked on electric oven, wood stove, camp stove/ fire or electric frying pan.

Boiled Potatoes

Peel  4 large  or 6 medium size potatoes
Chop into 1 .5 inch , 4 cm   chunks
Place in pot and cover with water
Bring to boil for approx 15min or until cooked
Drain excess water

Add butter  or sour cream and   mint chives parsley

 * new or small potatoes can be boiled whole with skin on

 Mashed Potatoes

As for boiled potatoes above
Cook until soft
Drain excess water
Add :  
         Half cup of  milk
         Butter / sour cream
Mash until all lumps are removed

 * Other options to add : grated cheese, chopped herbs, chopped   onion, black pepper

Roasted Potatoes

4 large or 6 medium , 8 small  , peeled or non peeled potatoes
Chop into  1.5 inch   ,  3cm chunks 
          ( small size can be left whole)
Add quarter cup oil or fat in roasting dish 
Place potatoes in dish and roll in oil.
Bake for  approx 1 hour at 200 c
Baste and turn potatoes occasionally 

 * herbs, spices , salt  can be added after cooking

Fried Potatoes

4 large or 6 medium , 8 small  , peeled or non peeled potatoes
Chop into  1inch or  2cm chunks   OR slice into  quarter inch or 1cm rounds
Add  quarter cup oil/ fat oil to frying  pan
Place potatoes in pan  and flip in oil
Add spices/ herbs etc 
Fry  ( grill  or bake) potatoes for  15min
Turn frequently

 ** Traditional herbs for potatoes are mint,chives,parsley,rosemary
   Cajun / Creole /  Mediterranean  or other mixes can be used