News Years Day 1914
Lets us take a peek down the telescope of time to take a glimpse of how one may have spent the day in celebration of the New Year of 1914.
This New Year marks the centenary of major events in Steampunk History
Parading in full military regalia in the searing hot sun in the far reaches of the British empire in India [Bannur]
St. Petersburg-Tampa Air Boat Line, Florida . 1st scheduled flight of the world's 1st airline
[ fortunately everything went according to plan]
tropical Torrance California local municipal parade
New Years in the Antipodes
[ where they celebrate in new years in summertime when the weather is fine]
Childrens' Fete Havelock New Zealand
gathered on what looks to be an excellent slope for roly poly
Auckland NZ New Years Regatta Day
Promenading in Ponsonby. The local citizens in all their finery.
New years outing, Murray River bed at Riversdale [Australia ] in a drought year
New Years in the Northern Hemisphere
Brave souls bearing nearly there all at New York Coney Island in the wintery new year
Whittlesey woke to a surprise that day
A novel way to spend New Years Day - with an erected cock
erection of new weather vane St Mary's church, Whittlesey [ UK] New Years day 1914